Natural Health
Repair undetected nerve damage that is not allowing you to function normally
Upper Cervical Specific & Toggle Recoil Technique
A specific and gentle chiropractic technique used to correct the positioning of the upper cervical vertebra, Atlas (C1) and Axis (C2), without the use of any twisting, bending, or cracking of the neck
Weight loss through reduction of toxins and impurities
Clean up your diet and detox your body naturally to improve your health and support your fat loss efforts.
Sacro Occipital Technique
A comprehensive technique which uses body indicators for determining skeletal, cranial, neurological and visceral malfunctions.
Applied Kinesiology
A method of diagnosis and treatment based on the belief that various muscles are linked to particular organs and glands, and that specific muscle weakness can signal distant internal problems such as nerve damage, reduced blood supply, chemical imbalances or other organ or gland problems
A gentle hands on technique that works with the soft tissue structures of the body and the flow of cerebrospinal fluid between the head and the base of the spine.
Extremity Adjusting
Adjustments that are not part of the spinal column such as the shoulder, elbow, wrist, knee, and ankle.
Acupressure Massage:
This is a way to increase your body’s ability to function and decrease stress in a natural way using the healing ability that we were all born with. Your ability to function is based on your nervous system’s capability to send and receive messages. When the messages get through, you have normal function. This is truly what health is. You can successfully cover up a symptom if you take enough chemicals or pills. That is what disease maintenance is. Much like pain from a toothache, a symptom is the last stage of a disease process. If you can find out the root cause of a symptom you may be able to restore balance to the body and truly be healthy and not just symptom free. There is a natural way that works with the wonderful and incredibly intelligent restorative power of your body’s healing ability. When you regain your ability to heal, truly amazing things can happen. I invite you to come into my wellness office and find out if you can live a different life, a better life.